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For some stupid reason, there aren't any real guides to programming Aion Housing scripts in NA/English .... what the fuck? So I'll make one. This is translated directly from official Korean and Russian Aion websites. Korean site gave me the important parts of the code, but the Russians are fucking FANTASTIC at being creative and manipulating it. Enjoy! I'll try to explain this really well, so that even blondes can understand how to program this shit :D

To begin, go to your studio, or house, or whatever, and speak to your butler. Click "edit script" and a new window will pop up. Here, you can add new scripts, and modify existing ones to your heart's content.

Sorry this is a pic from the russian website. Whatever. Looks the same lol.

1. This is the row of your existing housing scripts. Click each script button to edit it.
2. Click the + to add a new script.
3. Put the name of your script here.
4. Put the description of your script here.
5. These are buttons that help you mark furniture. You right click it, click "select outlet" and click a piece of furniture. Then, you can make the furniture dance or glow, or something, in your actual script.
6. This is the Import button. Click this and paste a special Compiled Script Code into it, to get a completed new script. I'll be giving away lots of these codes, in this guide!
7. This is the Expand button. Click the little arrows to expand the window and begin coding your script!

Part 1 :: Syntax & Basics

Housing scripts have a maximum number of 4599 characters, including whitespace, so when you're coding one, do it carefully, so as not to waste space. Each command of your script should end with a ; symbol. To comment something out (this means to turn a line in the code into a note-to-self sort of thing), just put -- in front of the line. It will become grayed out and u can use it to write whatever you want. To make a String Variable (this means it's a string of letters or a sentence or some words or something) you will need to put the words in quotes, "Like this".
function OnInit() is what decides the initial settings. You should always have one of these in your script. In fact, when you first make any new script, it's put in for you, automatically. This function here is the starting point - it's where the computer begins reading all your commands.
function OnInit()
  --Your code goes here.
From now on, I'll refer to the above code snippet as the "initial template". So that I'll be able to say stuff like "start with the initial template and add so-and-so inside of it". That way, I can explain what I put in to the code, where I put it, why I put it there, and what it does o:

Part 2 :: Different ways of making things happen inside a house

Before anything interesting happens in your house, such as your couch begins to jump up and down and glow, or music begins to play, you have to figure out what's going to make it happen. For example, your couch could start bouncing as soon as anyone comes inside your house. Or maybe it will start bouncing only when you type the word "bounce". But anyways, here is the list of these triggers. They are called "Initialization Functions."

function OnUserEntered(desc) makes something happen when you approach your butler. Here's an example.

function OnInit()
     H.SetSensor(2, 3);

function OnUserEntered(desc)
     H.PlaySound(1, " x[1]x");
     H.Say(1, desc);

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template, and add H.SetSensor(2, 3); inside the OnInit function. The first number in parentheses, here, a 2, is how close you need to be to your butler for stuff to happen. The second number in parentheses, here a 3, is how far away you need to be from your butler, before you can approach him again and have something happen again.

Next, you have to put function OnUserEntered(desc) and end, after all the stuff you added before. This function gets activated when you satisfy the condition of approaching your butler. The desc is a variable that represents the name of a character.

Next, inside the OnUserEntered function, put the commands of what you want to happen. Here, there is a command to make some noise, and another command, to say the name of a character. (Don't worry if these PlaySound and Say commands seem confusing for now. They are explained in detail later on~)

function OnUserSay(str) makes something happen when a character says something. Here's an example.

function OnInit()

function OnUserSay(str)
    H.PlaySound(1, " x[1]x");
    H.AlertAll(1, str);

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template, and add function OnUserSay(str) and endafter it. The str is the string of what the player says in the house.

Next, inside the OnUserSay function is the stuff that you want to happen. The two commands inside this function will make some noise, and will make the butler repeat what you said. (Don't worry if these PlaySound and AlertAll commands seem confusing for now. They are explained in detail later on~)

function OnUserSay(str, username) makes something happen when a character says something. It also can use the name of the person that talks inside the house. Here's an example.

function OnInit()

function OnUserSay(str, username)
   H.Say(1, username..": "..str);
   H.PlaySound(0, "r[1]r");

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template and add function OnUserSay(str, username) and end after it. The str is has the information of what someone said in the house. The username has the information about who's talking in the house.

Next, inside the OnUserSay function, you can put commands about what you want to happen when someone talks inside the house. In this case the butler repeats what everyone says, and tells the username of everyone who said it. (Don't worry if these PlaySound and Say commands seem confusing for now. They are explained in detail later on~)

function OnUserEmotion(motion) makes something happen when a character does an emote. Here's an example.

function OnInit()

function OnUserEmotion(motion)
    H.PlaySound(1, "rx[1]xr");
    H.StartAnimation(0, 1, motion);

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template and add function OnUserEmotion(motion) and end after it. The motion has the information of what motion was done inside the house.

Next, inside the OnUserEmotion function, you can put commands about what you want to happen when someone does an emote inside the house. In this case, the butler repeats the emote that was done. (Don't worry if these PlaySound and StartAnimation commands seem confusing for now. They are explained in detail later on~)

function OnMenu(menuNum) creates new menu options and makes something happen when you right click your butler and select one of those menu options. Here's an example.

function OnInit()
  H.RegisterMenu("Melody 1",1);
  H.RegisterMenu("Melody 2",2);

function OnMenu(menuNum)  
  if  (menuNum == 1)  then
  elseif  (menuNum == 2 )  then

function Melody1()
  H.SetInstrument(1, H.Instrument.piano);
  H.PlaySound(1,  "o6gabo7cdef#g");

function Melody2()
  H.SetInstrument(2, H.Instrument.aguitar);
  H.PlaySound(2, "o4ef#gabo5cde");

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template and add H.RegisterMenu("Melody 1",1); inside it. "Melody 1" is the name that's going to be displayed in the menu. 1 is the order it will be displayed, in the menu.

You can add as any menu items as you like. Simply add more H.RegisterMenu("Melody 1",1); commands. But be sure to change "Melody 1" to the name of your next menu item, and the 1 that comes after it, to the appropriate order of the buttons in the menu - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on, depending on how many buttons you want to have.

Next, after all your code so far, you have to add function OnMenu(menuNum) and end. And inside of this OnMenu function, you are going to make little options to go to other functions and do stuff inside them. So, if you have only two buttons, you would write if (menuNum == 1) then Melody1() and after that, add elseif (menuNum == 2 ) then Melody2(). Don't forget to add an end, to close off your if-statement sequence. The Melody1() and Melody2() refer to the next functions you will write, one function per button. You can change these names to whatever else you'd like to name your function. Just be sure to keep the () at the end of it.

If you have more than two buttons, you'll need to add more options. To do this, just add another elseif line. For example, elseif  (menuNum == 3 )  thenMelody3(). Remember to change the MenuNum to match the order of the button you're adding, in the menu.

What comes next are seperate functions for each button. For each button you have, you must write function Melody1() and end. Remember to change Melody1() to match the function name you decided on earlier, for each button. And inside this function, you write the commands that you'd like to happen. In the above example, some musical notes are played. (Don't worry if these PlaySound and SetInstrument commands seem confusing for now. They are explained in detail later on~)

function OnPlayerJumpEnd(outletIndex) makes something happen after someone in the house jumps on top of a furniture item. Here's an example.

function OnInit()

function OnPlayerJumpEnd(outletIndex)
    H.PlaySound(1, "rx[1]xr");
    H.AlertAll(1, outletIndex);
    H.Glow(outletIndex, 1, 1, 0, 0, 255);

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template and add H.SetOutletCount(3); inside the OnInit function. You can change the 3 to any number from 1 to 16. This is how many furniture outlets you will be using.

Next, after everything you got so far, add function OnPlayerJumpEnd(outletIndex) and end. Inside of this OnPlayerJumpEnd function, you can put commands for what you'd like to happen when you jump on top of the furniture outlets you've marked. outletIndex is the number of the outlet, 1 to 16, or however many you have. In the case of the example above, the commands make an alert be displayed on screen saying the number of the outlet you've jumped on, and making the outlet light up.

function OnSoundPlay(channel, note, len, label) makes something happen as a reaction to a musical note played by the same script. Here is an example.

function OnInit()

function PlayNow()
H.PlaySound(0, "r[1]r[2]r[3]r[4]");
H.PlaySound(1,"t130rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrro5bo6c#d____c#d__f#__c# ______");
H.PlaySound(2,"t130o5f#__o5b______a__a__f#ed__do4gbo5de______edc#de______ f#______o5b______a__a__f#ed__do4bo5d ee____de__c#__o4b______");
H.PlaySound(3,"t130o4f#__o5f#______d__d__o4b______brrrb______brrrb______a ______o5f#______d__d__o4b______rrr rb____rb__a__f#______");
H.PlaySound(4,"t130rro3bo4f#bo5c#d__f#__o3go4dgab__o5d__o3ebo4ef#g__b__f# o5c#__c#o4f#o5c#__o5c#o3bo4f#bo5c#d__ f#__o3go4dgab__o5d__o3ebo4ef# g__b__o3bo4f#bo5c#d__f#__o3bo4f#bo5c#");

function OnUserSay(str)
  if (string.find(str, "laputa")) then

function OnSoundPlay(channel, note, len, label)
  if (note=="c") then
  elseif (note=="d") then
  elseif (note=="e") then
  elseif (note=="f") then
  elseif (note=="g") then
  elseif (note=="a") then
  elseif (note=="b") then
  H.GlowNow(n, len, 0, 0, 255);

Here is how the above code was made and what it means. Start off with the initial template and add H.SetOutletCount(7); and H.EnableSoundCallback(1); inside the OnInit function. You can change the 7 to however many outlets you want, 1 to 16, but 7 is a good number for a music-response macro because there are 7 musical notes.

Next, underneath everything you have so far, add function PlayNow() and end. Inside this function, you should make music be played. How this is done will be explained later.

Next, underneath everything you have so far, add function OnUserSay(str) and end. You can use another initialization function instead of this one, of course, but in my example, I added if (string.find(str, "laputa")) then PlayNow() end inside a OnUserSay function, so that when a player types "laputa" inside the house, then the PlayNow function is told to begin executing its commands, in this case, playing the into to the Laputa Ending Theme.

But now comes the part that ties the music to the lights, the final OnSoundPlay function is added, and if you read the example, depending on what note is being hit by the music at any given moment, a different furniture outlet glows. Once again, the actual glow comand might seem sonfusing. Don't worry. The next section will explain furniture glow in more detail.

Part 3 :: Making Furniture Glow

I will explain this by starting off with an easy script, and then making it more and more complex, with explanations. The following is the code for a very basic item glow:

function OnInit()

function OnUserSay(str)
   H.PlaySound(0, "rrrrrrrrrrrr");
   if (string.find(str, "a")) then
     H.GlowNow(1, 10, 0, 0, 255);
     H.GlowNow(2, 10, 0, 0, 255);
     H.GlowNow(3, 10, 0, 0, 255);

First, H.SetOutletCount(3); sets the number of outlets. You can change the 3 to any number from 1 to 16, depending on how many items you want to glow.

Next, H.PlaySound(0, "rrrrrrrrrrrr"); plays a silent sound, when activated. The r stands for "rest" which is around half a second of silence. The reason you need this, is to set a timer for how long you want tomsething to glow.

Next, if (string.find(str, "a")) then encapsulates some more commands and ends with a end. This command waits until someone in the house says "a". And then it will execute the glowy commands that were encapsulated. So, if I stand in the house with that macro, and say "cake" or "rawr", this command will see the letter "a" being said, and furniture will glow for a bit.

Next, the three commands that look like H.GlowNow(1, 10, 0, 0, 255); are what makes the furniture glow. The 1 is the outlet chosen. Dont forget to set this differently for each of the three GLowNow commands! The 10 how long you want the furniture to glow for. There's a catch to this, though. The amount of time something glows for has to be equal, or less than the amount for time it takes to play the silent sound. So, for example, if your silent sound lasts for 5 seconds, but you set the furniture to glow for 10 seconds, it won't work. It will glow only for 5 seconds. So, to fix this, you'd have to increase the amount of rs in the silent sound command. The last three numbers 0, 0, 255 describe the color of the glow. Cubes, paintings, and carpets can glow any color at all. Everything else will just glow white only, no matter what. These three numbers are Red-Green-Blue values. You can look up more colors online, but here are some basic examples:

Setting Outlets

In the coding area, type

function OnInit()

The 6 is how many outlets (marked furnitures) there are. The maximum is 16.
You can right click the outlet numbers and click "check outlet" to check which one's you've marked, if you forget.

Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 30755 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-11-10 | Comments (5)

The following is a list of all the furniture that one can currently get in Aion.
If something is missing from the list, write a comment (there's a button all the
way at the bottom of the page) about what it is!

Before I get into specific items, here are some pictures of the furniture I can make.
See something you like? Then click HERE to buy it from me with a bit of kinah!

Sarpan Recipies : Tradable Crafted Items
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC Sarie in sarpan.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 zigi, 15 perer, 15 litrea, 15 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 vigen, 15 cippo, 15 carpen, 15 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 tange, 15 ervio, 15 lunime, 8 litrea, 8 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 merone, 15 kukar, 15 leopis, 8 carpen, 8 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Linon Carpet
Need 400p tailoring.
6 linon textile, 15 linon thread, 22 major knitting needles, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Anathe Carpet
Need 400p tailoring.
6 anathe textile, 15 anathe thread, 22 major knitting needles, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Linon Carpet
You get this if you proc while crafting a Linon Carpet.
Noble Anathe Carpet
You get this if you proc while crafting an Anathe Carpet.
Orichalcum Partition
Need 400p armorsmithing.
9 orichalcum wire, 8 small orichalcum plate, 22 orichalcum acid, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Orichalcum Partition
Need 400p armorsmithing.
9 orichalcum wire, 8 small orichalcum plate, 22 orichalcum acid, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Queen Klawnickt's Bed
Need 450p construction.
1 klawnickt fragment, 3 processed linon fiber, and 3 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Queen Klawnickt's Bed
Asmodians can only obtain this item from the cash shop.
Skuma's Couch
Need 450p construction.
1 crystal containing skuma's soul, 3 processed linon fiber, and 3 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Skuma's Couch
Asmodians can only obtain this item from the cash shop.
Elder Narikiki's Couch
Need 450p construction.
1 core of elder narikiki, 3 processed linon fiber, and 3 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Elder Narikiki's Couch
Asmodians can only obtain this item from the cash shop.
Master Spicy Banquet Table
Need 500p cooking.
15 lapide, 15 plindit, 15 feena, 8 entrin, 8 coslu, and 10 magical aether are needed to craft this.
Master Spicy Banquet Table
Need 500p cooking.
15 jurak, 15 chersnip, 15 ralloc, 8 stria, 8 gorocle, and 10 magical aether are needed to craft this.
Turatu's Bed
Elyos can only obtain this item from the cash shop.
Turatu's Bed
Need 450p construction.
1 turatu fragment, 3 processed anathe fiber, and 3 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Chieftain Ulagu's Couch
Elyos can only obtain this item from the cash shop.
Chieftain Ulagu's Couch
Need 450p construction.
1 crystal containing chieftain ulagu's soul, 3 processed anathe fiber, and 3 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Gravekeeper Basaim's Couch
Elyos can only obtain this item from the cash shop.
Gravekeeper Basaim's Couch
Need 450p construction.
1 gravekeeper basaim's blood, 3 processed anathe fiber, and 3 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Prolix Carpet
Need 500p tailoring.
6 prolix textile, 13 prolix thread, 30 fine knitting needle, 4 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Large Hoca Carpet
Need 500p tailoring.
6 prolix textile, 13 prolix thread, 30 fine knitting needle, 4 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Large Noble Prolix Carpet
You get this if you proc while crafting a Prolix Carpet.
Large Noble Hoca Carpet
You get this if you proc while crafting an Large Hoca Carpet.
Drenium Partition
Need 500p armorsmithing.
8 drenium wire, 7 small drenium plate, 30 drenium acid, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Drenium Partition
Need 500p armorsmithing.
8 drenium wire, 7 small drenium plate, 30 drenium acid, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Master Sweet Banquet Table
Need 500p cooking.
15 nenana, 15 beshu, 15 innesi, 15 anevra, and 10 magical aether are needed to craft this.
Master Sweet Banquet Table
Need 500p cooking.
15 manzu, 15 drupa, 15 nokara, 15 poma, and 10 magical aether are needed to craft this.
Tranquility's Bed
Need 500p construction.
1 tranquility's soul, 5 processed prolix fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Tranquility's Bed
Need 500p construction.
1 tranquility's soul, 5 processed hoca fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Daturum's Bed
Need 500p construction.
1 daturum's soul, 5 processed prolix fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Daturum's Bed
Need 500p construction.
1 daturum's soul, 5 processed hoca fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Babelkin's Standing Lamp
Need 500p construction.
1 babelkin's soul, 15 drenium clamp, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Babelkin's Standing Lamp
Need 500p construction.
1 babelkin's soul, 15 drenium clamp, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Shivum's Chair
Need 500p construction.
1 shivum's soul, 5 nanyu panel, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Shivum's Chair
Need 500p construction.
1 shivum's soul, 5 korie panel, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Tarapu's Chair
Need 500p construction.
1 tarapu's soul, 5 nanyu panel, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Tarapu's Chair
Need 500p construction.
1 tarapu's soul, 5 korie panel, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Gabo's Wall Mount Trophy
Need 500p construction.
1 gabo's soul, 5 processed prolix fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Gabo's Wall Mount Trophy
Need 500p construction.
1 gabo's soul, 5 processed hoca fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Barolf's Wall Mount Trophy
Need 500p construction.
1 barolf's soul, 5 processed prolix fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Barolf's Wall Mount Trophy
Need 500p construction.
1 barolf's soul, 5 processed hoca fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Vanuka's Couch
Need 500p construction.
1 vanuka's soul, 5 processed prolix fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Vanuka's Couch
Need 500p construction.
1 vanuka's soul, 5 processed hoca fiber, and 5 brilliant magical aether are needed to craft this.

This item can also be bought from the cash shop.
Fine Wood Cabinet
Need 500p construction.
47 nanyu panel, 83 fine whetstone, 149 drenium clamp, 40 magical aether, and 3 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Fine Wood Cabinet
Need 500p construction.
47 korie panel, 83 fine whetstone, 149 drenium clamp, 40 magical aether, and 3 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Fancy Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a Fine Wood Cabinet.
Fancy Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a Fine Wood Cabinet.
100% done with the above!

Basic Construction Recipies : Tradable Crafted Items
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC ??? in Sanctum.
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC ??? in Pandaemonium.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Betua Wood Shelf
Need 15p construction.
6 betua log, 9 lesser sandpaper, 4 iron ore, 4 lesser whetstone, 3 aether powder, and 1 minor construction flux are needed to craft this.
Tecoma Wood Shelf
Need 15p construction.
6 tecoma log, 9 lesser sandpaper, 4 iron ore, 4 lesser whetstone, 3 aether powder, and 1 minor construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Betua Wood Shelf
You get this if you proc while crafting a betua wood shelf.
Noble Tecoma Wood Shelf
You get this if you proc while crafting a tecoma wood shelf.
Iron Table Lamp
Need 20p construction.
2 betua log, 1 lesser sandpaper, 1 iron ore, 2 lesser whetstone, 1 aether powder, and 1 minor construction flux are needed to craft this.
Iron Table Lamp
Need 20p construction.
2 tecoma log, 1 lesser sandpaper, 1 iron ore, 2 lesser whetstone, 1 aether powder, and 1 minor construction flux are needed to craft this.
Betua Chair
Need 30p construction.
6 betua log, 9 lesser sandpaper, 4 iron ore, 4 lesser whetstone, 3 aether powder, and 1 minor construction flux are needed to craft this.
Tecoma Chair
Need 30p construction.
6 tecoma log, 9 lesser sandpaper, 4 iron ore, 4 lesser whetstone, 3 aether powder, and 1 minor construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Betua Chair
You get this if you proc while crafting a betua chair.
Noble Tecoma Chair
You get this if you proc while crafting a tecoma chair.
Mela Candle
Need 30p construction.
3 mela, 3 poor dye, and 2 aether powder are needed to craft this.
Raydam Candle
Need 30p construction.
3 raydam, 3 poor dye, and 2 aether powder are needed to craft this.
Rubus Candle
Need 30p construction.
3 rubus, 3 poor dye, and 2 aether powder are needed to craft this.
Ringa Candle
Need 30p construction.
3 ringa, 3 poor dye, and 2 aether powder are needed to craft this.
Elyos cannot obtain this item.Otombliss Candle
Need 30p construction.
3 otombliss, 3 poor dye, and 2 aether powder are needed to craft this.
Caprauna Candle
Need 30p construction.
3 caprauna, 3 poor dye, and 2 aether powder are needed to craft this.Elyos cannot obtain this item.
Asmodians cannot obtain this item.

Wall Decor : Tradable items purchased from an NPC by using Shaper Tokens.
All of these items can be bought from the NPC ??? in Sanctum.
All of these items can be bought from the NPC Bejarka in Pandaemonium.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 zigi, 15 perer, 15 litrea, 15 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 vigen, 15 cippo, 15 carpen, 15 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 tange, 15 ervio, 15 lunime, 8 litrea, 8 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 merone, 15 kukar, 15 leopis, 8 carpen, 8 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.

Simple Furniture Sold by NPCs : Tradable items purchased from an NPC with kinah.
All of these items can be bought from the NPC ??? in Oriel.
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC ??? in Pernon.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 zigi, 15 perer, 15 litrea, 15 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 vigen, 15 cippo, 15 carpen, 15 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 tange, 15 ervio, 15 lunime, 8 litrea, 8 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 merone, 15 kukar, 15 leopis, 8 carpen, 8 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.

House Organization Furniture Sold by NPCs : Tradable items purchased from an NPC with kinah.
All of these items can be bought from the NPC ??? in Sanctum.
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC ??? in Pandaemonium.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 zigi, 15 perer, 15 litrea, 15 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 vigen, 15 cippo, 15 carpen, 15 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 tange, 15 ervio, 15 lunime, 8 litrea, 8 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 merone, 15 kukar, 15 leopis, 8 carpen, 8 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.


Furniture that your Pet Poops Out : Tradable items obtained randomly from any pet.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 zigi, 15 perer, 15 litrea, 15 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 vigen, 15 cippo, 15 carpen, 15 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 tange, 15 ervio, 15 lunime, 8 litrea, 8 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 merone, 15 kukar, 15 leopis, 8 carpen, 8 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.

Daily Vintage Grab Furniture : Tradable items obtained randomly from the Vintage Grab daily quest.
To activate the elyos quest, speak to the ??? npc.
Every day after, speak to the ??? npc to recieve a random reward.
To activate the asmodian quest, speak to the ??? npc.
Every day after, speak to the ??? npc to recieve a random reward.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 zigi, 15 perer, 15 litrea, 15 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Spicy Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 vigen, 15 cippo, 15 carpen, 15 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert Sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 tange, 15 ervio, 15 lunime, 8 litrea, 8 esosa, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Expert sweet Banquet Table
Need 400p cooking.
15 merone, 15 kukar, 15 leopis, 8 carpen, 8 almeha, and 10 aether are needed to craft this.
Fancy Furniture Sold by NPCs : Tradable items purchased from an NPC with kinah.
All of these items can be bought from the NPC Sarie in Sarpan.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Large Dark Brown Round Painting
Costs around 200k kinah.
Large Dark Brown Round Painting
Costs around 200k kinah.
Fancy Outdoor Lighting
Costs around 700k kinah.
Fancy Outdoor Lighting
Costs around 700k kinah.
Fancy Standing Lamp
Costs around 700k kinah.
Fancy Standing Lamp
Costs around 700k kinah.
Small Fine Leather Couch
Costs around 200k kinah.
Small Fine Leather Couch
Costs around 200k kinah.
Fancy Leather Couch
Costs around 700k kinah.
Fancy Leather Couch
Costs around 700k kinah.
Large Sophisticated Leather Couch
Costs around 4.4m kinah.
Large Sophisticated Leather Couch
Costs around 4.4m kinah.
The above section is 100% finished! yay!

Furniture Rewarded for Completing a Quest
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Steam Tachysphere
Rewarded for completeing one of the arturam fortress quests 10 times.
This item is untradable.
Steam Tachysphere
Rewarded for completeing one of the arturam fortress quests 10 times.
This item is untradable.
Dredgion Statue
Rewarded for completeing the "zorshiv dredgion looms" quest in sarpan.
This item is untradable.

Can also be bought from the cash shop.
Dredgion Statue
Rewarded for completeing the "zorshiv dredgion looms" quest in sarpan.
This item is untradable.

Can also be bought from the cash shop.
Kahrun Bust
Rewarded for completing the last sarpan campaign.
This item is untradable.
Kahrun Bust
Rewarded for completing the last sarpan campaign.
This item is untradable.
Various Letters and Numbers
Quest reward from one of the Traveling Shugo Nomad Quests.
When you finish the quest, you get a random chance to get any letter or number.
This item is tradable.
The schedule of where and when the shugo nomads will be, is shown below.
Various Letters and Numbers
Quest reward from one of the Traveling Shugo Nomad Quests.
When you finish the quest, you get a random chance to get any letter or number.
This item is tradable.
The schedule of where and when the shugo nomads will be, is shown below..
Aether Shugo Lad Statue
Reward for completing the "Exquisite Shugo Reproduction" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Shugo Lad Statue
Reward for completing the "Homage to An Unsung Hero" quest in Pernon.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Pink Nyanco Statue
Reward for completing the "Pink is the Color" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Pink Nyanco Statue
Reward for completing the "Precious in Pink" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Sorcerer Sprigg Statue
Reward for completing the "Sprigg Up The House" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Sorcerer Sprigg Statue
Reward for completing the "Fit for a Sprigg" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Whitebeard Manduri Statue
Reward for completing the "A Spirerinerk Original" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Aether Whitebeard Manduri Statue
Reward for completing the "Immortal Guru... Sort Of" quest in Oriel.
This item is untradable.
This quest is given by the shugo nomads. Check the schedule below to know where to find them.
Sophisticated Brown Square Painting
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Sophisticated Brown Square Painting
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fine Fiber Bed
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fine Fiber Bed
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Square Fancy Carpet
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.

Can also be bought from the cash shop.
Square Fancy Carpet
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.

Can also be bought from the cash shop.
Fine Wood Shelf
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fine Wood Shelf
Rewarded for completing the Expert Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fancy Dark Brown Round Painting
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fancy Dark Brown Round Painting
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fancy Fiber Bed
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fancy Fiber Bed
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Large Round Fancy Carpet
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.

Can also be bought from the cash shop.
Large Round Fancy Carpet
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.

Can also be bought from the cash shop.
Fancy Wood Shelf
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.
Fancy Wood Shelf
Rewarded for completing the Master Construction quest.
This item is tradable.

The shugo nomads appear inside the game every month from day 15 to day 17 only.
You can find them in Pernon and in Oriel.
They sell cheaper versions of some normal housing items, and some rare shugo-only housing items.
[Feb 15-17] : Elroco Hill Village
[Mar 15-17] : Goldendell Village
[May 15-17] : Vibrant Garden Village
[Jun 15-17] : Pearl Cove Village
[Aug 15-17] : Seapath Village
[Sep 15-17] : Mill Ridge Village
[Nov 15-17] : Reedpond Village
[Dec 15-17] : Riverwell Village
[Feb 15-17] : Shepherd's Peak Village
[Mar 15-17] : Silver Tree Village
[May 15-17] : Golden Sunset Village
[Jun 15-17] : Azure Inlet Village
[Aug 15-17] : Spring Hill Village
[Sep 15-17] : Foothill Basin Village
[Nov 15-17] : Stonewall Village
[Dec 15-17] : Aironroost Village

Untradable Shugo Nomad Items

Untradable items from petal exhanger

THe 8 statuettes

gustbloom/hearthbloom vendor

cash shop

bosses and shit

3.5 petal furniture

darfen/undin stuff
Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 7893 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-09-20 | Comments (3)

Sorry, had to upload this up here since twitter only allows 160 characters-ish of text ):

Dear GMs of Aion NA. I was working on this idea for a while, And I hope you take a minute or two to read it.
I know it's really annoying for you guys to ban hundreds of new gold spammers every single day, and
it would be completely impossible to waste all your time to instablocking gold spammers every time
they pop up in chat. Not only are they annoying and ruin the sanctity of LFG chat, but they actually encourage 
people to buy gold! ):

So I've devised a new scheme that would get rid of 95% of the gold spammers in a single hit. I know
that North American Aion GMs have very limited amount of things that they can do without having Korea do the
coding and give permission, but I know that you guys can put up new NPCs, give event quests, and block
people from LFG completely. Putting those things together, my idea would go a little something like this:

When all NEW accounts start out, they will have LFG chat completely disabled (just like now - you can't speak
in it unless you're level 10+ ). To enable it, the owners of the new accounts will have to do a special quest
that proves they are human and not a bot. The quest is doable once per your entire account.

Once a real human finishes the quest, all of their characters will be able to speak freely in LFG.
However, to counteract the fact that a gold spammer might do the quest once and re-create a hundred
toons to spam in LFG with, this will be a long chain quest that will take several days to complete,
for the average person. To make sure that new players that just started to play Aion will not be
deterred from doing this long quest, there will be rewards to help a completely new player level,
such as mana potions, run scrolls, and enchantment stones, just like in the surveys. (In fact, you
could probably take out the surveys completely and put survey rewards into World Chat Quest rewards.)

To make sure new players arent just wasting time doing the long chain quest, it will teach them, along
with the Aterian Atlas, how to do basic functions in game. You would not be able to bot any of the quest
missions. They all require a human brain to do the tasks. In fact, most of the quests in the chain will
be identical to the Atlas quests, to encourage people to use the Atreian Atlas. Here are some of my ideas:

I've condensed the information a bit~ so you dont see three windows per quest. Just one.

Lots of people need to use LFG at low levels to get groups for altgard/verteron quests, NTC groups,
and help requests. That is why all of these quests are completeable at a very low level, so that
so that when people really start needing to use LFG to look for groups, ask for help, and find legions
they would be able to do so without having to level up really high. However, if by the time they are
level 30, they still haven't finished the World Chat Quests, they will have the LFG chat function
automatically ENABLED for them anyways. This way, people who disike quests can have LFG chat function
still working for them after they have played for a while.

I've read on the forums that NA Aion GMs are currently trying to think of something for the game that
will make botting nearly impossible / will make it easy to automatically catch and ban bots. This could
go hand in hand with the solution I've proposed. People will prove themselves human and not bot, through
the quest chain, and those who manage to bot their way though, will get eradicated anyways.

I dont expect you guys to attempt this solution verbatim, though. I basically just wanted to
put out a very good idea that you can use and modify to make better - a suggestion of how to tell the real
people apart form the bots. If you've read this far, thank you so much for listening!! I hope you consider
it because it would REALLY really work and solve so many of your problems!

In summary, currently there are around 12 gold spamming websites, each botting 6 toons at the same time,
and one of the 6 toons spamming LFG. It takes around 10 minutes to bot from level 1 to 10 and begin the
spam. This allows 12 gold spammers to constantly speak in LFG and have a backup bot start speaking once
the current bot gets banned. People currently need to block around 20 spammers per day, if not more.

With the new system, botting to level 30 would take around 7 days, giving everyone a chance to catch the
botting and stop it. There would barely be a new bot made every day, if at all, as opposed to a new one
every four minutes! And if the gold spammers try doing the quests, instead of leveling to 30, this would
require an actual human to sit at the computer, making it impossible for a gold spamming company to produce 6
bots at a time, therefore also reducing the number of spammers that manage to find their way into LFG.

the stuff BELOW is just the rest of my blog~ disregard it x___x; sorry~
Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 769 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-09-06 | Comments (1)

Welcome to the daily quest guide - updated for patch 3.7

+The NPC name and quest name that comes first is the asmo version. After // is the elyos version of the quest.
+You can find all the locations of these quests by typing /where, in your aion chat.
For example, if the NPC you need is named Hariton, type /where hariton and press enter. His
location will appear on the map and you can go do the quest!

[daily|solo|30x] Grimron: cannon fires // Marmara: cannon aid
You have to kill three cannons inside Tiamaranta's Eye. The reward is 700 ap and a mithril medal or an ap item.

[daily|solo|30x] NPC inside any Tiamaranta Fort: vital supplies //  NPC inside any Tiamaranta Fort: a vital assignment
You have to kill 12 non elite mobs. The reward is a mithril medal.

[daily|solo|30x] Alpen: alpen's proof // Flavia: flavia's proof
You have to collect 10 epaulets from Tiamaranta's Eye and the surrounding area by farming monsters. The reward
each time you do this is an AP item or a mithril medal. After you finish the quest 30 times, you get free wings,
which are shown in the pictures below.

[daily|group|30x] Suris: making noise // Gatia: keeping quiet
You must go inside the jotun sanctuary in Sarpan. It is next to the NPC and it is a PvP area. Inside, your job is to kill
several of the elite jotun monsters. Instead of waiting for respawns, you can change channel, and kill extra mobs for
your quest. The reward is an AP item or a mithril medal.

[daily|group|30x] Asraphis: show of strength // Haruti: hostile territory
You must kill 10 elite monsters. The reward is a mithril medal.

[daily|group|30x] Kusir: hot zone // Erephe: contested
You must kill 10 elite monsters. The reward is a mithril medal.

[daily|pvp|infinite] Kusir: preemptive trucebreaking // Erephe: a stronger enmity
You have to kill 10 elyos/asmos in Tiamaranta above rank 5. The reward is AP or a mithril medal.

[daily|pvp|infinite] Trois: in the eye of chaos //Ruonas: a masquerade of peace
You have to kill 5 elyos/asmos in Tiamaranta's Eye. The reward is 1,200ap, a mithril medal, and an ap item bundle.

[daily|pvp|infinite] Gidon: Snuff out the light // Erasmus: Banishing the shade-touched
You have to kill 5 elyos/asmos in Tiamaranta (outside of the eye). The reward is ?????.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Trois: crack drag bring ring // Ruonas: legionary's rings
You have to kill several non-elite balaur inside Tiamaranta's Eye. The reward is 1,500 ap and a mithril medal.

[weekly|solo|infinite] NPC inside any Tiamaranta Fort: respite // NPC inside any Tiamaranta Fort: Divided attentions
You have to kill 12 non elite mobs. The reward is an 400ap and a mithril medal.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Asraphis: playing avenger // Haruti: divided attentions
You have to kill 12 non elite mobs. The reward is a mithril medal.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Kusir: games daevas play // Eraphe: war on three fronts
You have to kill 12 non elite mobs. The reward is a mithril medal.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Schulan: tiamarantian champion // Eden: Not vengeance, just tactics
You have to kill 11 non elite mobs. The reward is a mithril medal.

[weekly|alliance|infinite] Tepes: strikeback // ???: ???
You have to kill a special monster that turns into new monsters whenever it dies. When you begin to attack the
monster, you'll recieve 3 new quests automatically. When you successfully kill the monster's different forms,
you will recieve 1 mithril medal and 3 packs of ap/mithril items.

[daily|solo|infinite] Betios: target removal crew // Betios: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "Rajalf the Cunning". The reward is around 10 kahrun marks.

[daily|solo|infinite] Jupitor: target acquisition // Jupitor: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "????????". The reward is around 10 kahrun marks.
[daily|solo|infinite] Arturam Sky Fortress
Go inside the arturam solo instance and take the steam tachysphere directly to the last boss. You will
automatically receive a quest when you begin to attack this boss. The reward is 10 kahrun marks and 3k AP.

[daily|solo|infinite] If you are in the kahrun daily quest faction
you can do a daily quest for 10 kahrun coins.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Betios: dancing shadows // Betios: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "Lightning Lapu". The reward is 20 kahrun marks.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Betios: shadowy vengeance // Betios: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "Trickster Lupukin". The reward is 30 kahrun marks.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Jupitor: creature of wrath and petrification // Jupitor: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "?????". The reward is 20 kahrun marks.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Jupitor: menacing ??? // Jupitor: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "?????". The reward is 30 kahrun marks.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Daisha: cavalry charge // Daisha: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "??????". The reward is 20 kahrun coins is given.

 [weekly|solo|infinite] Baia: a peacekeeper's life // Baia: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob named "Training Supervisor Marit". The reward is 30 kahrun coins.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Baia: looking for an opening // Baia: ???
You have to kill a non elite mob in sarpan named "??????". The reward is 20 kahrun coins.

[weekly|solo|infinite] Hariton: room for guestbloom // Izunius: how to garden agressively
You have to kill 6 monsters in sarpan. The reward is a guestbloom that you put in your house. It will give 14 Kahrun Coins.

[weekly|group|infinite] Daisha: the protectorate // Daisha: ???
You have to kill one of the dragons in the garrison around the eye, either "????" or "????". The reward is 20 kahrun coins.

[weekly|alliance|infinite] Daisha: monstrous problems // Daisha: ???
After killing the heroic monster, a reward of ?????????? kahrun coins is given.

[weekly|alliance|infinite] Baia: for sarpan // Baia: ???
You have to kill a Heroic mob, usually General Chunapa. The reward is ?????? kahrun coins.

(crucible) [daily|solo] Do the solo PvE crucible for Insignia.

(crucible) [daily|solo] Do the group crucifail PvE crucible for Insignia.

(crucible) [daily|solo] Do the PvP solo crucible for Insignia.

(crucible) [daily|solo] Do the PvP duo crucible for Insignia.

(crucible) [daily|solo] Do the Glory Crucible for Insignia, if you have 3 glory tickets.

(skins/godstones) [daily|solo] If you are in the Daemon/Fortuneer daily quest faction you can do a daily quest
for 1 token. You can use the tokens for either rare skins or a godstone pack.

(crafting) [daily|solo] If you are in the crafting daily faction, you can do a daily quest
for 1-3 crafting tokens.

(housing) [daily|solo] Talk to your house's butler and feed all your plants! Remember that plants give out
pretty skins, godstones, fluxes, and AP items!

(Crafting) [weekly|solo] Solomon: hard as nails
You have to kill some non elite balaur in Sarpan. The reward is 3 crafting tokens. Collect enough of these, and
you can buy any recipe you want!

(Crafting) [weekly|group] Solomon: art history Hunt // Solomon: the crystal ballroom
You have to kill some elite mobs in Sarpan. The reward is 2 crafting tokens. Collect enough of these, and you
can buy any recipe you want!

1. (crafting) [daily|solo] Make your Blue/White/Red heliotrope crystals if you are planning to craft weapons or
armour later on. Its good to save up!

2. (housing) [daily|solo] Nazira: extra fertilizer
You have to gather 3 of ecah type of aether ore in Pernon/Oriel. The maps for these ores can be found [here].
Scroll down towards the gloves quest - it is the same map. The reward for this quest is 5 guestbloom fertilizer.

3. (housing) [daily|solo] Shugos in Northeast of Pernon/Oriel: vintage exchange
If youre looking for some cute rare housing items, talk to these shugos. Very rarely they will poop out pretty chairs, tables, and AP item guestblooms.

4. (karhun) [daily|solo] Shumaron: crystal protection
If you're super desperate for kahrun coins, this quest will give u 1 kahrun coin per day.

5. (karhun) [daily|solo] Kiriyu: ruinous horse tracks
If you're super desperate for kahrun coins, this quest will give u 1 kahrun coin per day.

6. (skins/gear) [daily|solo] ??: ??
If you like to collect blueRose skins or if you need a bit of extra gear or kinah for an alt, these two NPCs give daily
quests for around 10 total mithril coins.

7. (skins) [daily|solo] The shugo near the airship dock in pandeamonium and sanctum, gives a daily quest
for groggies. You have to kill 10 non elite mobs, and will recieve 20 groggies as a reward. These
groggies can be exchanged for cute weapon, hat, and armour skins from the same NPC who gives the quest.

8. (skins) [daily|solo] If you are in the daily mentoring faction, you can recieve a quest every day to mentor
a lower level character and get 2 mentor tokens as a reward. The tokens can be traded in for pretty armour,
weapons, hats, acessories, or wings.

9. (skins)  [Weekly|Solo] If you enjoy collecting skins, talk to the Mentoring Administrator NPCs in Morheim/Eltnen
and Beluslan/Heiron. They give out several quests to mentor lvl 35-45 characters and give lots of Circle Tokens
as a reward.

Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 21451 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-07-19 | Comments (1)

There are several PvP and PvE sets that are worth getting when you're at 60. Some people like to collect as many sets as they can and scoket them with different things. And some people just choose 1 or 2 sets and stick with them. (As for me, I like to collect... I have an MR set, an MA set, an MB set, a Block set, an HP set, and a Flight Time set lol.) However, whatever path you choose, it's always best to get these "best of the best" sets. For example, it's very silly to get a lvl 55 tier 1 crucible set, when you can get a lvl 60 tier 2 set with just a couple more days of patience and fun arena PvP. You will end up saving time,energy, kinah, and materials, and will also end up in the best PvP or PvE gear possible as opposed to something to "hold you off" before you start working, all over again, for a better set.

This set is a very very easy PvP set to get, with really interesting bonus stats, such as superior MA and lots of silence penetration. Each piece has 5 slots, and you can spend a bit of extra kinah to "condition" it and get even more bonus PvP defense and other stats.
To get this set, all you have to do is do crucible every day. THe crucible becomes available as soon as you hit level 46, in the area that you get to by clicking the gold teleport statue in pandaemonium/sanctum. Firstly, do the solo crucible and then do the group (350 crucifail) crucible every time, and finally, I reccomend doing the 10-ffa pvp crucible. It gives more insignias then the 1v1 crucible, and it's also easier to get really high rank even if you arent geared, just by PvE-ing a lot. Make sure you get the level 60 set (not the level 55 set) and the Tier 2 conditioning items (not the Tier 1) because they are so easy to get with just dailies that take 15 minutes to do, every day. All you need is time and patience, you dont even need effort!

This is the best PvP set, with each piece at 6 slots each, and plenty of really important basic stats such as Magic Suppression, but no wierd/interesting stats. Athought it's a bit harder to get than the crucible PvP set, it's better. And you can use AP on the items to condition them to have even more bonus stats. You have to be rank 1 in order to wear this set, but in my opinion that's a great idea because it engourages everyone to be rank 1, which gives everyone good AP during PvP. (It's better than having everyone be rank 9 and have PvP be less rewarding!)
To get this set, you have to earn two things: AP, and Mithril Medals. They are much easier to earn than people think, and here is how to do it.
1. Do dailies/weeklies that give out AP and Mithrils. There is a very detailed list of these quests available [here]. They're all very easy and are fun to do with friends~
2. Look for AP boxes and keys! The keys drop off of random mobs in Tiamaranta's eye and [here] is a list of all the AP box spawn locations to help you hunt.
3. PvP! This is best done in groups of 2 or 3 for you to get the biggest AP amounts while at the same time not zerging and not getting overpowered too easily. If you think that the eye is getting too full of people, always rememeber that theres other places to PvP! Try looking for people in the Jotun area in Sarpan, inside the Gurriki/Lake quest areas, at the AP turn-in in the Abyss, and near instance enterances in Ingisson, Abyss, and Tiamaranta.
4. Do 2 or 3 man Esoterrace. This is a lvl 50+ instance in Ingisson/Gelkmaros. You have to own at least one of your forts, to be able to go inside. (The enterance is inside the ingisson or gelkmaros fort that is owned by you.) It's very fast (takes 45 minutes for most people with practice) and gives LOTS of AP (like, 30k each person, per run). I reccomend going inside and training all the monsters until you reach the place behind the tree boss. Skip the tree boss coz it gives crap for AP and is super annoying. You can kill the 3 monsters required to open the door to boss 2 and train the rest and reset them. Then kill bosses 2 and 3. You could also buy reset scrolls for this instance to do it twice a day, if you're really AP-hungry. The best group setups in my opinion, for this, is cleric + a magic class   or chanter + a melee class. For some people, like gladiators or templars or rangers, it might be better and easier to go with a 3man group until they're super geared, however.
5. Some other instances you could do for AP are upper forts (if you have one) and the Satra Treasure Hoard, located in Tiamaranta's eye. Upper forts can be 2 manned just like eso, but as for satra, you can 6man it on hard mode for extra AP and Mithril medals.
6. To get an even bigger boost in daily AP and medas, go to siege in Tiamaranta. It's usually very relaxing - all you have to do is DPS the boss until it dies. If you get caught up in AoEs of the boss often, however, go with a healer friend in a group. However,  when the boss is almost dead, make sure the group gets disbanded - this way all of the group members will get extra AP (because of some stupid game mechanic :c ...). However, you can also make an alliance and not disband it, if you want to take a fort with an entire legion and have everyone be guaranteed a mithril medal! If you go alone, you have to be one of the top 3 DPS in your class in order to recieve a mithril medal. But you always gets lots and lots of free AP!! If you get a Platinum Medal instead of a Mithril, you can drop that medal into the fountain in Tiamaranta's main town to try your luck and turn it into a Mithril medal. Or, for a much better chance at a Mithril,  go buy a "balaur serum" item from the AP consumables distributor (costs 1,500 ap) and go to the fountain inside the big cave near the Eye enterance, and drop your platinum medal inside of there.
7. And dont forget dredgion! You can do this three times a day for lots and lots of AP!

This is the absolute best PvE set out so far. It includes lots of bonus stats and inordinately large amounts of HP. If your character has near 400 gathering and near 500 in any crafting skill, the rest of the quest to obtain this is very very easy, but time-consuming. [Here] is a very detailed guide on exactly how to get this set!

This is one of the best PvE sets, and is something that is very very easy to get if you dont want to do the long quests for the level 60 daeva set. All that you need to do in order to get this set is around 6 daily quests for Karhun Coins. You can use those coins to first buy the blue set, then upgrade it to gold, and finally to eternal and you wont lose any coins in the process, or have to spend extra ones. The 6 daily quests are described in detail [here] and there are some additional bonus quests described as well. Once you have enough marks for a piece, you simply purchase the armour from the NPC. To upgrade the gear, speak to a nearby NPC, choose the piece you want to upgrade to, then drag and drop your old piece into the window for upgrading. These are great sets to make into DPS sets.

This set has almost exactly the same stats as the Eternal Kahrun set. If you enjoy doing isntances rahter than doing dailies, you should get this! It can be obtained by doing the 12-man Elementis Forest and Argent Manor instances.

The following armour sets are a bit ... different. They are also amazingly good, but they arent in my 'best of the best' category for small reasons such as level and bonus stats. They have interesting specialties.

The level 60 balic armour has good basic stats and 6 slots per armour piece, but the bonus stats are very... strange. For example, instead of HP you have Physical Defense. The level 55 version of this has perfect amazing stats, with heaps upon heaps of damage-boosting and HP-boosting stats, but alas, it's level 55 and not 60, which takes away lots of the awesomeness. However, both of these sets are still some of the best out there, and are interesting to craft. SO if you enjoy crafting more than PvE and PvP, this is your set!

This was one of the top 3 PvE sets back when level cap was still 55. Now, it's still reasy to get (do crucible every day) and has really nice stats. But the reason im mentioning this set is because its just SO. PRETTY. omg ): ... get this set if you like pretty dresses for your toon.

The best accessories are the PvP accessories because of the sheer amount of stats and bonuses they have. They are the best in PvE and obviuosly a must if you PvP. These accessories are the eternal level 60 pvp rings, necklace, belt, and earrings. As for the hat, you can coose to save mithril medals and get the equally amazing tier 2 level 60 PvP crucible hat. Another way to save on AP/medals is by getting the PvP eternal belt that drops in lvl 56-60 dedgion. The belt for magic users drops from a rare boss in Barracks and the belt for Physical damage users drops from a rare boss in Gravity. Some people complain about a lack of MB on the accessories, but that actually is good because they substitute hugeeee amounts of MA instead. This way, you could stack full MB on a set, and still have great MA and be able to hit almost anything, if you happen to be a magic-using class.

Remember, to get these accessories, all you have to do is
1. Remember to do your solo crucible, your 350-insignia crucifail, and your PvP arena each day.
2. Do the dailies for Mithril Medals and AP that are outlined in the "dailies" section of the game guides.
3. For an extra boost in AP, do dredgions, 2 or 3man esoterrace, PvP with a friend, or the Satra instance.
4. Go to siege in Tiamaranta. These sieges are usually relaxing and all you need to do is DPS.

Overall, it just takes some time and patience. Remember that this is a game, and make sure u actually ~enjoy~ doing those little dailies with friends, PvPing, and PvEing in instances. Dont force yourself to do something that you dont find fun o:  ~!

And finally, before I describe what's good for each of the seperate classes, I will speak of the best weapons in the game. Some things I will not be mentioning in this list are the weapons that Berserker Sunayaka and Tatar drop. They are world bosses that I dont really care about. Sometimes its fun to pvp the people who are trying to kill those bosses, but the actual drops arent that sexy. Sunayaka drops eternal weapons with high stats, but you can get better stats from the weapons mentioned below. Tatar drops some gold weapons that some people say are nice combines on the bottom because of the attack speed, but I've had attack speed combines for my mages' weapons before and I think I'd rather have superior MA, MB, crit, and HP than attack speed. Fights in Aion are very RNG-based, and its not gonna be that 1 extra second that attack speed gives over a long period of time that will win a fight - it's gonna be a lucky proc, lucky crit, or a lucky land of a skill.

This is the classical PvP weapon with the best stats ever, pretty much. You use a bit of AP (around 10k) to condition it and make the stats even more amazing. Note that you cant combine AP conditioning weapons with Crucible Conditioning weapons.
Most classes will need these weapons if they like to PvP.

These weapons have the absolute best base attack and base MB in the game, and they always have 6 slots. However, not all of these weapons have the best bonus stats.

Not only do these weapons have decent base stats and decent bonus stats, they are really easy to get just by doing dailies. And what's even nicer is that you dont have to wait ages to get a weapons - you can buy the blue version, upgrade it to gold, and then upgrade it to eternal, and lose absolutely no kahrun marks in the process.

If you like to do instances with a group instead of dailies, you can get this weapon instead of a kahrun weapon. It drops from the final boss in rentus base, and the stats are very similar to kahrun weapons.

When the 3.5 patch hits in around november, you will be able to get these gold extendable weapons from the boss named Tiamat in a new instance called "dragon lord's sanctuary". They are very good for chanters, gladiators, and templars in PvP since they let you hit people from 7 meters away.

The base magic boost and attack on these weapons are the same as that of the 60 balic - they are the best in the game. The bonus  stats are also usually better than that of 60 balic, but these weapons usually have only 5 slots. They will be available from Tiamat in the Dragon Lord's Sanctuary instance in patch 3.5~
Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 14916 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-07-18 | Comments (4)

This guide was made with help from the official Korean Powerbook and from Daeva's Report ♥

These are AP chests. There are three types: one that is small and opens with a green key, one that is medium and opens with a blue key, and one that is large and opens with a gold key.

This first location set is in Sarpan, in the Heroes Discus at Ahishav's Nest. You can use a little teleport statue to get here.

This is how a small green chest looks like:

You can find them in the following locations in Tiamaranta:

This is how a medium blue chest looks like:

You can find them in the following locations in Tiamaranta:

This is how a large gold chest looks like:

You can find them in the following locations in Tiamaranta:

Remember that all these chest have hugeee long respawn timers so don't act all surprised if you don't see them in these locations~~ good luck :3
Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 7735 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-07-16 | Comments (0)

The level 60 daeva set is the best PvE armour set available in the game. It also gives a good title and in patch 3.5 it will also give a good weapon. It is relatively easy to get but takes some time to complete. To begin this series of quests, you must first finish every single Tiamaranta and Sarpan campaign. After those campaigns are done, talk to the NPC named Kahrun, in Sarpan (type /where Kahrun if you have trouble finding him) and he will give you the first quest.

The first quest that Kahrun gives you is the quest for the shoes. What you must do is run around and talk to 4 NPCs in a given time limit. Buy some Sarpan return scrolls and bind to the obelisk at Notus Outpost before you begin. This may take a couple tries to get right within the time limit. You can also ask an SM friend to summon you to some areas to save even more time. The video below shows where to run and what to do to complete this quest. Basically, you fly to the first NPC, use a Sarpan return scroll, fly to the  second NPC, use your return skill and walk to third NPC, then use another Sarpan return scroll teleport to Tiamaranta, and fly to the fourth NPC, and then use another Sarpan return scroll to get back and talk to Kahrun.

The next quest that Kahrun gives you is the quest for the gloves. You need to gather 100 warm fragrant energy and 100 cold fragrant energy. Warm fragrant energy spawns most during spring and summer and cold fragrant energy spawns most during fall and winter. To know what month and season it is, mouse ove rthe icon next to the minimap:

During months 3-5 you can collect warm fragrant energy here:

During months 6-8 you can collect warm fragrant energy here:

During months 9-11 you can collect cold fragrant energy here:

During months 12, 1, and 2 you can collect cold fragrant energy here:

After you turn in this quest to Kahrun, you will receive the next quest, for the pauldrons. For this quest, you need to be a master of some sort of craft but it doesn't matter which craft. You need to go to the NPC in the location shown below and buy the design for the quest. The design is used up when you craft, so you may need to buy a couple of them.

Next, check the broker for the 7 components. Each of them is made by a different master crafter. Here is a list: ( i think i got some of the names a bit wrong so check ingame~ )
+Weaponsmith: Sword of truth (3 brilliant drenite ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)
+Armorsmith: Decorative Armour (3 brilliant drenite ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)
+Tailoring: Sacred Emblem (3 dazzling elatrite ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)
+Handicrafting: Orb of Sacrifice (3 brilliant malevite ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)
+Alchemy: Siel's Essence (3dazzling elatrite ore ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)
+Cooking: Bladder Glue (3 brilliant turquoise ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)
+Carpentry:Sophisticated base (3 brilliant malevite ore + 1 brilliant magical aether)

Next, you craft them all together with the recipe you purchased and hope that the thing procs.

After you turn this quest in to Kahrun, you will receive the quest for the pants. This one takes a long time but its very easy. Start out with your gathering skill at around 450 and go to the area in the following map. You can go in a circle and gather the nodes. For around every two rounds you make of this area, you will get ONE quest item. Make sure you have the shabby ring equipped while doing this.

Once you collect 50 of the quest items, go speak to Kahrun again and you will receive the chestpiece quest.

Details on chestpiece quest coming soon ~

Details on title quest coming soon~

Details on weapon quest coming soon~

Category: Cake Members Posts | Views: 5581 | Added by: cake | Date: 2012-07-09 | Comments (2)

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