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Main » 2012 » October » 13 » Organization Furniture
12:36 PM
Organization Furniture
This is furniture that can be purchased from the npc Lurine in Sanctum and Rayot in Pandaemonium.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Brown One-layer Window
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
Brown One-layer Window
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
Brown Two-layer Window
Purchased for around 700k kinah.
Brown Two-layer Window
Purchased for around 700k kinah.
White One-layer Window
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
White One-layer Window
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
White Two-layer Window
Purchased for around 700k kinah.
White Two-layer Window
Purchased for around 700k kinah.
Fine One-layer Window
Purchased for around 700k kinah.
Fine One-layer Window
Purchased for around 700k kinah.
Fine Two-layer Window
Purchased for around 4.3m kinah.
Fine Two-layer Window
Purchased for around 4.3m kinah.
Brown Partition
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
Brown Partition
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
Dark Brown Partition
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
Dark Brown Partition
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
White Partition
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
White Partition
Purchased for around 230k kinah.
Views: 5428 | Added by: cake | Rating: 4.5/2
Total comments: 2
1 Irina Vasilieva   (2012-10-22 6:57 AM) [Entry]
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2 John Michael Sheehan   (2012-11-07 2:45 AM) [Entry]
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