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11:44 PM
Panda & Sanctum Recipies 2
Basic Construction Recipies : Tradable Crafted Items
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC Lurine in Sanctum.
All of these designs can be bought from the NPC Rayot in Pandaemonium.
ImageElyos descriptionAsmo Description
Ulmus Wood Cabinet
Need 300p construction.
138 ulmus log, 69 lesser sandpaper, 200 adamantium, 200 lesser whetstone, 55 greater whetstone, 63 aether gem, and 1 construction flux are needed to craft this.
Salix Wood Cabinet
Need 300p construction.
138 salix log, 69 lesser sandpaper, 200 adamantium, 200 lesser whetstone, 55 greater whetstone, 63 aether gem, and 1 construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Ulmus Wood cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting an ulmus wood cabinet.
Noble Salix Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a salix wood cabinet.
Egrasi Wood Shelf
Need 315p construction.
16 egrasi log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 22 greater sandpaper, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Asvata Wood Shelf
Need 315p construction.
16 asvata log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 22 greater sandpaper, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Egrasi Wood Shelf
You get this if you proc while crafting an egrasi wood shelf.
Noble Asvata Wood Shelf
You get this if you proc while crafting an asvata wood shelf.
Orichalcum Wall Lighting
Need 320p construction.
24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 10 greater whetstone, 16 egrasi log, 8 lesser sandpaper,  8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Orichalcum Wall Lighting
Need 320p construction.
24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 10 greater whetstone, 16 asvata log, 8 lesser sandpaper,  8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Egrasi Chair
Need 330p construction.
16 egrasi log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 22 greater sandpaper, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Asvata Chair
Need 330p construction.
16 asvata log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 22 greater sandpaper, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Egrasi Chair
You get this if you proc while crafting an egrasi wood shelf.
Noble Asvata Chair
You get this if you proc while crafting an asvata wood shelf.
Tange Candle
Need 330p construction.
14 tange, 32 superior dye, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Merone Candle
Need 330p construction.
14 merone, 32 superior dye, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Ervio Candle
Need 330p construction.
14 ervio, 32 superior dye, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Leopis Candle
Need 330p construction.
14 leopis, 32 superior dye, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Lunime Candle
Need 330p construction.
14 lunime, 32 superior dye, and 9 aether are needed to craf this..
Kukar Candle
Need 330p construction.
14 kukar, 32 superior dye, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Egrasi Dining Table
Need 345p construction.
22 egrasi log, 11 lesser sandpaper, 32 orichalcum, 32 lesser whetstone, 29 greater sandpaper, 11 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Asvata Dining Table
Need 345p construction.
22 asvata log, 11 lesser sandpaper, 32 orichalcum, 32 lesser whetstone, 29 greater sandpaper, 11 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Egrasi Dining Table
You get this if you proc while crafting an egrasi dining table.
Noble Asvata Dining Table
You get this if you proc while crafting an asvata dining table.
Ferilla Picture
Need 360p construction.
14 ferilla, 11 major enamel, and 9 aether are needed to craf this..
Framed Subella Watercolor
Need 360p construction.
14 subella, 11 major enamel, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Griffonia Picture
Need 360p construction.
14 griffonia, 11 major enamel, and 9 aether are needed to craf this..
Framed Grobule Watercolor
Need 360p construction.
14 grobule, 11 major enamel, and 9 aether are needed to craf this.
Small Tough Leather Couch
Need 360p construction.
16 egrasi log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 32 linon fiber, 16 lesser sandpaper, 22 greater knitting needle, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Small Tough Leather Couch
Need 360p construction.
16 asvata log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 32 anathe fiber, 16 lesser sandpaper, 22 greater knitting needle, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Tough Leather Couch
You get this if you proc while crafting a tough leather louch.
Tough Leather Couch
You get this if you proc while crafting a tough leather louch.
Egrasi Wood Display Cabinet
Need 375p construction.
16 egrasi log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 22 greater sandpaper, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Asvata Wood Display Cabinet
Need 375p construction.
16 asvata log, 8 lesser sandpaper, 24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 22 greater sandpaper, 8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Egrasi Wood Display Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting an egrasi wood display cabinet.
Noble Asvata Wood Display Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting an asvata wood display cabinet.
Linon Fiber Bed
Need 390p construction.
44 linon fiber, 22 poor dye, 22 egrasi log, 11 lesser sandpaper, 29 greater knitting needles, 11 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Anathe Fiber Bed
Need 390p construction.
44 anathe fiber, 22 poor dye, 22 asvata log, 11 lesser sandpaper, 29 greater knitting needles, 11 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Linon Fiber Bed
You get this if you proc while crafting a linon fiber bed.
Noble Anathe Fiber Bed
You get this if you proc while crafting an anathe fiber bed.
Orichalcum Outdoor Lighting
Need 399p construction.
24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 10 greater whetstone, 16 egrasi log, 8 lesser sandpaper,  8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Orichalcum Outdoor Lighting
Need 399p construction.
24 orichalcum, 24 lesser whetstone, 10 greater whetstone, 16 asvata log, 8 lesser sandpaper,  8 aether, and 1 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Egrasi Wood Cabinet
Need 400p construction.
110 egrasi log, 55 lesser sandpaper, 171 orichalcum, 171 lesser whetstone, 79 greater whetstone, 49 aether, and 3 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Asvata Wood Cabinet
Need 400p construction.
110 asvata log, 55 lesser sandpaper, 171 orichalcum, 171 lesser whetstone, 79 greater whetstone, 49 aether, and 3 greater construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Egrasi Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting an egrasi wood cabinet.
Noble Asvata Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting an asvata wood cabinet.
Nanyu Wood Shelf
Need 415p construction.
14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Korie Wood Shelf
Need 415p construction.
14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 22 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Nanyu Wood Shelf
You get this if you proc while crafting a nanyu wood shelf.
Noble Korie Wood Shelf
You get this if you proc while crafting a korie wood shelf.
Drenium Standing Lamp
Need 420p construction.
21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 10 fine whetstone, 14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper,  7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Drenium Standing Lamp
Need 420p construction.
21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 10 fine whetstone, 14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper,  7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Nenanne Candle
Need 430p construction.
12 nenanne, 41 fine dye, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
Manzu Candle
Need 430p construction.
12 manzu, 41 fine dye, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
sElyos cannot acquire this item.Drupa Candle
Need 430p construction.
12 drupa, 41 fine dye, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
sBeshu Candle
Need 430p construction.
12 beshu, 41 fine dye, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
Asmodians cannot acquire this item.
Nanyu Chair
Need 430p construction.
14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Korie Chair
Need 430p construction.
14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 22 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Nanyu Chair
You get this if you proc while crafting a nanyu chair.
Noble Korie Chair
You get this if you proc while crafting a korie chair.
Small Firm Leather Couch
Need 460p construction.
14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 28 prolix fiber, 14 lesser sandpaper, 30 fine knitting needle, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Small Firm Leather Couch
Need 460p construction.
14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 28 hoca fiber, 14 lesser sandpaper, 30 fine knitting needle, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Firm Leather Couch
You get this if you proc while crafting a firm leather louch.
Firm Leather Couch
You get this if you proc while crafting a firm leather louch.
Charming Zeldt Flower Pail
Need 460p construction.
12 zeldt, 17 fine enamel, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
Charming Plia Flower Pail
Need 460p construction.
12 plia, 17 fine enamel, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
Charming Hintera Flower Pail
Need 460p construction.
12 hintera, 17 fine enamel, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
Charming Liconsis FLower Pail
Need 460p construction.
12 liconsis, 17 fine enamel, and 8 magical aether are needed to craf this.
Nanyu Wood Display Cabinet
Need 475p construction.
14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Korie Wood Display Cabinet
Need 475p construction.
14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 22 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Nanyu Wood Display Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a nanyu wood display cabinet.
Noble Korie Wood Display Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a korie wood display cabinet.
Prolix Fiber Bed
Need 490p construction.
36 prolix fiber, 18 poor dye, 18 nanyu log, 9 lesser sandpaper, 40 fine knitting needle, 9 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Hoca Fiber Bed
Need 490p construction.
36 hoca fiber, 18 poor dye, 18 korie log, 9 lesser sandpaper, 40 fine knitting needle, 9 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Prolix Fiber Bed
You get this if you proc while crafting a prolix fiber bed.
Noble Hoca Fiber Bed
You get this if you proc while crafting a hoca fiber bed.
Drenium Outdoor Lighting
Need 499p construction.
21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 11 fine whetstone, 14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper,  7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Drenium Outdoor Lighting
Need 499p construction.
21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 11 fine whetstone, 14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper,  7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Nanyu Wood Cabinet
Need 475p construction.
14 nanyu log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 21 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Korie Wood Display Cabinet
Need 475p construction.
14 korie log, 7 lesser sandpaper, 21 drenium, 22 lesser whetstone, 30 fine sandpaper, 7 magical aether, and 1 major construction flux are needed to craft this.
Noble Nanyu Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a nanyu wood cabinet.
Noble Korie Wood Cabinet
You get this if you proc while crafting a korie wood cabinet.
Views: 6506 | Added by: cake | Rating: 4.0/7
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